What makes this bag perfect for travel is the leather luggage strap found on the back. You can easily attach this strap to your cabin luggage so that you can always keep your hand luggage close at hand. Don't worry about bags falling off each other when you go up or downstairs. Everything is securely attached, so you only have to focus on your destination.
Make travelling classy with RITUALS matching travel sets. Find all the products in our collection, ranging from carry on luggage to solid and sturdy suitcases. You can even find a garment bag in our collection, ideal for bringing along dresses or suits when you have a fancy party during your time away or travelling to a destination wedding. With the RITUALS travel set, you'll definitely arrive in style.
Are you packing your bag? Then don't forget your travel accessories! Fill your bag with a mini perfume, sunscreen and body mist, for example. Or take a look at our gift sets for miniatures that you can easily carry in one of our beautiful toiletry bags. This way, you are perfectly prepared for everything that is to come on your journey.